Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Overview & Our Approach to Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Macular Degeneration, often referred to as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a progressive eye condition that affects the macula—the small central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. The macula’s health is crucial for tasks like reading, writing, driving, and recognizing faces. As the macula deteriorates, these abilities weaken, though peripheral vision typically remains intact.
The macula’s yellowish hue, which comes from the antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin, helps protect the retina by absorbing harmful blue to ultraviolet (UV) light. The gradual breakdown of macular cells in AMD leads to vision impairment, making early detection and treatment essential for preserving sight.
Our approach to treating AMD is comprehensive, focusing on both slowing the progression of the disease and improving overall eye health. We aim to protect the macula from further damage and support the body’s natural defenses against the factors contributing to degeneration. Our approach includes:
  • Protecting the Macula from Oxidative Stress: Utilizing antioxidants and targeted supplements to reduce the impact of free radicals, which contribute to the deterioration of macular cells.

  • Improving Blood Flow and Reducing Inflammation: Enhancing blood circulation to the retina and managing inflammation to prevent further damage and the development of harmful new blood vessels.

  • Telehealth & In-Office Treatments: Providing personalized, intensive care through telehealth consultations and in-office treatments at our New Jersey office for optimal results.
  • At-Home Care with ACS3000: For ongoing support in managing AMD, we recommend integrating the ACS3000 system into your daily routine. This advanced at-home care device is designed to enhance eye health by promoting better blood flow and reducing oxidative stress in the retina.
  • Targeted SupplementsRecommending specialized supplements that support macular health and protect against further degeneration.

Symptoms & Causes of Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Symptoms of Macular Degeneration (AMD):

  • Blurred or Distorted Central Vision: The most common symptom of AMD is the gradual blurring of central vision, making it difficult to see fine details clearly.

  • Difficulty Reading or Recognizing Faces: As the disease progresses, tasks that require sharp vision, such as reading or identifying faces, become increasingly challenging.

  • Dark or Empty Areas in Central Vision: Some people with AMD may notice dark or empty areas in their central vision, which can interfere with daily activities.

  • Diminished Color Perception: Colors may appear less vibrant, making it harder to distinguish between different shades.

  • Need for Brighter Light: Individuals with AMD often require more light to perform tasks like reading or cooking.

Causes of Macular Degeneration (AMD):

  • Oxidative Stress: The retina is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, which occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them with antioxidants. Over time, this stress can damage the macula and contribute to cell death.

  • Poor Blood Flow and Angiogenesis: Inadequate blood flow to the retina can lead to the development of new, abnormal blood vessels—a process known as angiogenesis. These vessels can distort the retina and may rupture, causing bleeding and further vision loss.

  • Apoptosis: Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a natural process in the body. However, in the retina, excessive apoptosis due to oxidative stress can lead to the thinning and deterioration of the macula.

  • Inflammation: Inflammation is the body’s response to injury or stress, and it plays a significant role in the progression of AMD. Proteins involved in the immune response can accumulate in the retina as drusen deposits, which are indicative of AMD.

  • Age and Genetics: Age is the most significant risk factor for AMD, with the likelihood of developing the condition increasing as one gets older. Additionally, genetics play a role, as certain gene mutations have been linked to a higher risk of AMD.

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to blue and UV light, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise can all contribute to the development and progression of AMD.

Telehealth and Intensive In-Office Macular Degeneration (AMD) Treatment

Start Your Journey with a Telehealth Consultation and Experience the Fastest Results with Our Comprehensive In-Office Care

If you’re seeking the most effective treatment for Macular Degeneration (AMD), our intensive in-office appointments offer the fastest results. Many of our patients choose to visit our New Jersey office for this reason. During these intensive appointments, you’ll undergo a series of advanced treatments tailored to your specific needs over several days, ensuring comprehensive and effective care.

We recommend starting with a telehealth visit, where we can assess your condition, discuss your symptoms, and determine the best course of action. This initial consultation will help us create a personalized treatment plan for your in-office visit.

To take the first step toward improved eye health and fast, effective treatment:

At-Home Macular Degeneration (AMD) Treatment with the ACS-3000

Discover the At-Home Frequency Specific Alternating Current Micro Stimulation System

Yes, you can achieve vision recovery from the comfort of your home! Introducing the all-new ACS-3000 at-home vision recovery system. This advanced technology utilizes Frequency Specific Alternating Current Micro Stimulation to support eye health and improve vision by promoting better blood flow and reducing oxidative stress in the retina.

The ACS-3000 system is designed for convenience and effectiveness, allowing you to benefit from cutting-edge treatments without leaving your home. It’s an excellent option for those seeking ongoing care and maintenance for Macular Degeneration (AMD).

Experience the benefits of the ACS-3000 and see what you’ve been missing. Learn more about how this innovative system can help you!

Shop Macular Degeneration (AMD) Supplements

Our team works to create or find the best supportive eye supplements that will give you the greatest effect.

TotalVision MA48

Total Vision MA48

Comprehensive nutritional formula providing the nutrients specifically related to target and support of general eye health and vision.

AMD starter pack

AMD Starterpack

The AMD Starter pack has all the recommended supplements for Macular Degeneration.


Maintains low intraocular pressure (IOP) and preserves the health of the optic nerve, supporting eye health.

Case Studies


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