Overview & Our Approach to Dry Eyes

Dry Eye Syndrome, commonly referred to as “dry eyes,” is one of the most prevalent eye conditions, affecting millions of people across all ages, genders, and racial backgrounds. Characterized by dry, itchy, and irritated eyes, Dry Eye Syndrome can significantly impact daily life, causing discomfort and visual disturbances. The condition often results from an imbalance in the tear film that keeps the eye’s surface moist and lubricated. When the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly, dry eyes can occur.

Conventional treatments for dry eyes often focus on alleviating symptoms, such as artificial tears or eye drops. However, our approach goes further, aiming to treat the root causes and enhance the overall health of the eyes and body:
  • Restoring Tear Film Balance: Through acupuncture, supplements, and advanced therapeutic devices, we work to restore the natural balance of the tear film, improving both tear production and quality.

  • Addressing Systemic Health Issues: Dry eyes are often linked to broader health concerns, such as mucous membrane dryness, digestive imbalances, or autoimmune diseases. We take a comprehensive approach, addressing these systemic issues to provide lasting relief.

  • Telehealth & In-Office Treatments: Our New Jersey office offers intensive, personalized treatments designed to deliver rapid and effective results. For added convenience, we also provide telehealth consultations to guide at-home care.
  • At-Home Care with ACS3000: We offer the ACS3000 system for at-home treatment, supporting tear production and eye health between office visits.
  • Targeted Supplements: Our specialized supplements are designed to support overall eye health, reduce inflammation, and promote systemic balance, helping to prevent the recurrence of dry eyes.

Symptoms & Causes of Dry Eyes

Symptoms of Dry Eyes:

  • Dryness and Irritation: The most common symptoms include a persistent sensation of dryness, itching, or a gritty feeling in the eyes, often described as “sand in the eyes.”

  • Redness: Chronic dryness can lead to inflammation, causing the eyes to appear red or bloodshot.

  • Sensitivity to Light: Many individuals with dry eyes experience increased sensitivity to light, known as photophobia.

  • Blurred Vision: Fluctuating vision, particularly after prolonged periods of reading or screen use, can be a sign of dry eyes.

  • Excessive Tearing: Paradoxically, dry eyes can cause excessive tearing as the eyes try to compensate for dryness by producing more tears, although these tears may lack the necessary components to keep the eyes properly lubricated.

Causes of Dry Eyes:

  • Tear Film Imbalance: The tear film is composed of three layers – oil, water, and mucus. Imbalances in any of these layers can lead to dry eyes. For example, insufficient oil production by the meibomian glands can cause tears to evaporate too quickly.

  • Systemic Health Conditions: Dry eyes are often associated with other health conditions, including autoimmune diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus erythematosus. Digestive imbalances and other mucous membrane dryness can also contribute to the condition.

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to wind, smoke, dry climates, and prolonged screen time can exacerbate dry eyes by increasing tear evaporation or reducing blink rates.

  • Age and Hormonal Changes: Aging and hormonal changes, particularly in women during menopause, can reduce tear production, leading to dry eyes.

  • Medications: Certain medications, including antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications, can decrease tear production as a side effect.

  • Contact Lens Use: Wearing contact lenses for extended periods can disrupt the tear film and contribute to dry eyes.

Telehealth and Intensive In-Office Dry Eyes Treatment

Start Your Journey with a Telehealth Consultation and Experience the Fastest Results with Our Comprehensive In-Office Care

If you’re seeking the most effective treatment for dry eyes, our intensive in-office appointments offer the fastest results. Many of our patients choose to visit our New Jersey office for this reason. During these intensive appointments, you’ll undergo a series of advanced treatments tailored to your specific needs over several days, ensuring comprehensive and effective care.

We recommend starting with a telehealth visit, where we can assess your condition, discuss your symptoms, and determine the best course of action. This initial consultation will help us create a personalized treatment plan for your in-office visit.

To take the first step toward better eye health and fast, effective treatment:

At-Home Dry Eyes Treatment with the ACS-3000

Discover the At-Home Frequency Specific Alternating Current Micro Stimulation System

Yes, you can achieve vision recovery from the comfort of your home! Introducing the all-new ACS-3000 at-home vision recovery system. This advanced technology utilizes Frequency Specific Alternating Current Micro Stimulation to support eye health and improve vision.

The ACS-3000 system is designed for convenience and effectiveness, allowing you to benefit from cutting-edge treatments without leaving your home. It’s an excellent option for those seeking ongoing care and maintenance for Dry Eyes.

Experience the benefits of the ACS-3000 and see what you’ve been missing. Learn more about how this innovative system can help you!

Shop Dry Eyes Supplements

Our team works to create or find the best supportive eye supplements that will give you the greatest effect.

Lipo Vision Drops

LipoVision Drops

Revolutionary new formula based on natural tears to keep your eyes moist and healthy. This May Be The Only Dry Eye Drop You’ll Use From Now On!

CannaVision Oil

A potent, pure, natural hemp extract so powerful, so effective, you can pretty much think of CannaVision as “medical grade CBD.”



Nutritional support targeting cardiovascular health, brain eye and skin health and helps control neuro-vascular of inflammation and overall neuroprotection.

Case Studies


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